Happy Hour at a doctor’s office? You Bet! We want to share with the Overland Park community the benefits of acupuncture as a commitment-free “trial”. If you enjoy it as much as we do, you are invited to schedule future visits. If you would rather relax a different way, we understand and thank you for trying our chiropractic and acupuncture clinic!
Starting March 23rd and running through April 2021, we will host a Happy Hour every Tuesday evening at 6:30pm. All you need to do is contact our office to reserve a spot. We only allow ten spots per week to ensure safety during this pandemic.
Most important, all proceeds of these events go toward the medical costs of Ruby Thompson!

The Cause;
Ruby James Thompson was born three months premature on Sunday, January
24th weighing one pound, 14 ounces. Ruby has been in the NICU for over a
month and is likely to remain in the hospital through the end of April. Ruby has
already faced many hurdles. At birth, Ruby was at risk of bleeding in her brain,
and she has been on constant ventilatory support as her immature lungs
develop. She has had multiple transfusions, has a heart murmur, and she is at
increased risk of long-term respiratory, vision, and developmental issues
resulting from her premature birth.
Her parents, Ben and Jessica, are facing the unimaginable as first-time parents.
Each day they are driving to and from the NICU to be with Ruby, while working
as much as they can to keep up with daily and mounting medical bills. They
persevere while navigating the fears and emotional ups and downs of the
All proceeds from our Acupuncture Happy Hour will go toward
supporting the Thompson family. Your generous donations will help cover the
cost of Ruby’s time in the NICU and unforeseen medical expenses in her first
few years.
How to prepare;
- Call our office to reserve a spot, it’s only $20
- Tell your friends, the people who you’d take to happy hour or a day at the spa!
- Plan ahead, wear loose-fitting clothes that allow access to your legs from the knee down and the elbow to the fingers.
- Abide by local Covid-19 protocols. We ask that you wear a mask while inside of our office. We will have plenty of hand sanitizer and a bathroom available for hand hygiene. Please cover your cough or sneeze. If not feeling well, let us reschedule your visit to another available date.
- Arrive 15-mins early, there will be a quick consent form, give yourself plenty of time to find our office.
- Drink plenty of water before and after. Most people do not suffer side-effects from acupuncture. Similar to other body work, if you are not properly hydrated you may have fatigue, mild nausea and or body-soreness, similar to a hangover after the treatment.
- Let us know if you have any special medical condition, taking any blood-thinning medication (you can still receive acupuncture if you do).
- Feel free to donate liberally to the Thompson family if you wish. We will have a donation jar available if you’d like to support the family with an additional contribution.