Optimal Recovery from Sports Injuries

Understanding Injury Severity and Necessary Care

At Back On Track Chiropractic + Acupuncture, we emphasize the importance of rehabilitation alongside chiropractic adjustments for optimal recovery from sports injuries. Once an injury is examined and diagnosed, the decision of what care is most appropriate begins. While techniques like stretching, muscle activation, exercises, and balance activities may seem simple, they play a crucial role in your injury recovery process.

Why Rehabilitation Is Essential in Chiropractic Care

What sets our clinic apart is our commitment to providing comprehensive rehabilitation to re-educate your body on proper movement. Chiropractic adjustments have a significant impact on how your joints process and relay information through your nervous system to your brain. However, muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons adapt to injuries and daily use, often resulting in poor movement patterns or posture.

To maximize the benefits of chiropractic adjustments, it’s essential to retrain your body to maintain proper joint alignment and movement. This approach helps reduce stress on bones, ligaments, and muscles, ensuring your body functions optimally.

Sports Performance, Recovery and Strength Training Expertise

Our clinic also offers stretching, balance and strength training programming to support your athletic recovery and performance.

Do Chiropractors Learn Physical Therapy and Rehab in School?

Yes and no. While chiropractic schools recognize the value of rehabilitation, gaining advanced knowledge in this area often requires post-graduate training. Our doctors have pursued specialized education in movement assessment and therapy, learning from industry leaders like Dr. Craig Liebensen, Gray Cook, Gary Gray, Brett Winchester, Martin Rooney, and Charlie Weingroff. With advanced certifications in Sports Medicine and Posture Rehab, we excel in proper assessment and exercise prescription, which are key to successful recovery.

Dr. Martin with Martin Rooney PT at Perform Better Summit Chicago

Why Didn’t Physical Therapy Work for Me?

If you’ve been to physical therapy before and felt frustrated by the same old boring exercises with no progression, we understand. At Back On Track Chiropractic + Acupuncture, we offer personalized exercise programs with video-based instruction and built-in progression. When combined with joint manipulation, these exercises can help your body “re-program” how to use the affected area more effectively.

How We Work with Physical Therapists

We have great respect for physical therapists—we often refer patients to them and even spend time together outside of work. However, if you didn’t see results with physical therapy in the past, let us reassess your condition. Sometimes, adding joint manipulation or introducing a different exercise routine can make all the difference.

Our strong referral network includes top professionals who have successfully treated even the toughest cases. If we find that your condition requires additional expertise, we won’t hesitate to refer you to the best specialists available.

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What’s YOUR goal for YOUR health?

You are in charge of your body. Do you want to be able to tie your shoes without back pain or do you have a goal of running a marathon again? Depending on your goals, we have the program that will help get you there!

When you are ready to feel better, move better and live better, give us a call! We will get you back on track!